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王晓 武汉科技大学计算机科学与技术学院副教授


  • 毕业于武汉大学国家多媒体软件工程技术研究中心,获通信与信息系统专业博士学位,现任武汉科技大学副教授,入选武汉科技大学“香涛百人”,湖北省“楚天学子”人才计划。一直致力于计算机视觉和监控视频分析等相关领域的研究。在本领域国际和国内重要期刊和会议上发表学术论文三十余篇,其中第一作者/通信作者文章21篇,IEEE/ACM Trans期刊5篇,CCF推荐A类论文6篇,B类论文6篇,担任TIP,TCSVT,TRIT,AAAI,MM等国际期刊和会议审稿人。


  • 国家自然科技基金青年项目,62302351,“面向夜间视频侦查的行人检测关键技术研究”,2024/1—2026/12,在研,主持
  • 湖北省自然科学基金面上项目,2022CFB018,“夜间监控场景下的嫌疑目标检索方法研究”,2022/10-2024/9,在研,主持
  • 湖北省教育厅科学研究计划重点项目,D20211106,“面向安防监控的尺度自适应行人检索研究”,2021/01-2022/12,结题,主持
  • 发表论文

    • 1、Xiao Wang, Xingyue Tu, Baraa Al-Hassani, Chia-Wen Lin and Xin Xu. Select Informative Samples for Night-Time Vehicle Detection Benchmark in Urban Scenes. Remote Sensing. 2023 15(17), 4310.
    • 2、别倩,王晓*(通信作者),徐新,赵启军,陈军,胡瑞敏. 红外-可见光跨模态的行人检测综述. 中国图象图形学报. 2023 28(05):1287-1307.
    • 3、Xiao Wang, Zheng Wang, Wu Liu, Xin Xu, Qijun Zhao, Shin’ichi Satoh. Towards Causality Inference for Very Important Person Localization. ACM Multimedia (MM).
    • 4、Xiao Wang,Zheng Wang, Wu Liu, Xin Xu, Jing Chen, Chia-Wen Lin. Consistency-Constancy Bi-Knowledge Learning for Pedestrian Detection in Night Surveillance. ACM Multimedia (MM).2021:4463-4471.
    • 5、Xian Zhong, Shilei Zhao, Xiao Wang*(通信作者), Kui Jiang, Wenxuan Liu, Wenxin Huang, Zheng Wang. Unsupervised Vehicle search in the Wild: A New Benchmark. ACM Multimedia (MM).2021:5316-5325.
    • 6、Xiao Wang, Zheng Wang, Toshihiko Yamasaki, Wenjun Zeng. Very Important Person Localization in Unconstrained Conditions: A New Benchmark. Association for the Advance of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI).2021:2809-2816.
    • 7、Xiao Wang, Jun Chen, Zheng Wang, Wu Liu, Shin’ichi Satoh, Chao Liang, Chia-Wen Lin. When Pedestrian Detection Meets Nighttime Surveillance: A New Benchmark. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI). 2020: 509-515.
    • 8、Xiao Wang, Chao Liang, Chen Chen, Jun Chen, Zheng Wang, Zhen Han, Chunxia Xiao. S3D: Scalable Pedestrian Detection via Score Scale Surface Discrimination, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT). 2020,30(10): 3332-3344.
    • 9、Xiao Wang, Wu Liu, Jun Chen, Xiaobo Wang, Chenggang Yan, Tao Mei. Listen, Look, and Find the One: Robust Person Search with Multimodality Index. ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMM). 2020, 16(2): 1-20.