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武汉地区2011-2014年微波辐射计观测数据 武汉地区2011-2014由武汉大学测绘与遥感国家重点实验室屋顶的RPG-HATPRO G2微波辐射计观测,包含亮度温度以及地面传感器数据,剔除雨天数据缺失等极端天天气,并保存为csv文件。 下载
无监督视频行人重识别 The official repository for the best paper candidate of ICME 2021 "Unsupervised video person re-identification via noise and hard frame aware clustering" github
重识别评价指标 The official repository for "Re-identification = Retrieval + Verification: Back to Essence and Forward with a New Metric". IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (Under Review). github